
Romans 6:3-4; Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21; Matthew 28:19-20

Baptism is a Picture - See Romans 6:3-4 

Baptism by immersion is a picture of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection. It is also a picture of our own death to sin, and commitment to live a new life in Christ.

Baptism is a Proclamation - See Acts 2:38

Baptism is the outward expression of your faith. You are proclaiming/telling everyone you have been saved. Baptism is the "wedding ring" that displays the vow of a covenant relationship with Christ. Baptism symbolizes your love and commitment to God in the same way that a wedding ring is a symbol of the love and commitment someone makes to their spouse.

Baptism is a Pledge - See 1 Peteer 3:21

Baptism is your pledge of devotion to Christ. It serves as your initiation rite as a follower of Christ. Through the act of baptism, you are declaring your affiliation with God's family. It is your formal profession of your faith.

So why should someone be baptized?

Baptism is the first step of obedient faith as a new believer. - Acts 2:38 & 41

This passage of Scripture says there are three essential things someone should do who desires to follow Jesus:

  1. Repent/Confess their sins
  2. Be Baptized
  3. Yield to God's Spirit

So, baptism becomes the first essential step in following Jesus after a confession of faith. Without this first sttep, it will be increasingly harder to daily yield your life to God's Spirit.

Baptism is a simple way of modeling your life after Jesus. - Matthew 3:13-17

Baptism was commanded by Jesus as an indicator of those who seek to be His followers. - Matthew 28:19-20

  • Disciples/Followers of Christ are "Baptized Believers"
  • Baptism becomes the mark of a Christian and a member of the Church.

Baptism is the public profession of your faith and the pledge of your commitment to follow Jesus. - 1 Peter 3:21

If you've never been baptized by immersion as a testimony of your faith in Jesus, and you would like to discuss how you can personally make this statement of faith, please talk to one of the deacons or pastors.